Emergency and Critical Care - Mentorship Program

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CTVSEH believes in providing recent and new veterinary graduates the opportunity to grow as emergency care veterinarians in a safe and supportive environment. Our lead medical director, Dr. Roxanna Khorzad, has established a program that allows personal growth and strength through collaboration within a family of seasoned emergency care veterinarians, board-certified specialists, and emergency care technicians. The goal of the CTVSEH mentorship program is to provide a structured program to develop emergency veterinary clinicians who are learning clinical, communication, and personal skills to be exceptional Emergency Clinicians in an organization owned and led by veterinarians who practice the highest level of specialty veterinary care.

austin texas veterinarians emergency surgeryA brief outline of our mentorship program includes:

  • New graduate doctors will receive 2 to 3 months of 100% training in the hospital.
    • The first week will be shadowing, learning policies and procedures, medical records, etc.
    • After the first week, mentees will see cases with a mentor, guiding and looking through the record, exam, etc. 
      • Mentees start with seeing “a straightforward case” at their desired pace where they become comfortable in learning our hospital computer systems, record keeping, and the entire emergency process. Realistically mentees will see 2 to 3 cases in the very first week or two.
      • Cases will be presented to the mentor in a systematic fashion.
        • Signalment, history, presenting problem, clinical findings, plan
        • Mentees will propose the next steps and receive feedback from mentors.
        • All mentees are free to use the clinical manual and are encouraged to research before they present their case.
      • All completed cases will be reviewed by mentors and verify the case is complete with proper documentation including a clinical summary.

Meet Dr. Emma Evans and hear about her mentorship journey!

If you are interested in being part of our mentorship program, please submit your request below!

Apply at your desired location