Intro to Portal Guide

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Intro to Portal Guide.

Accessing the Portal


Access the portal through the CTVSEH website at From there, you will find a referral button on the homepage or a link under the Referring Veterinarians tab at the top.

Pro Tip: Bookmark the portal login page on your browser for future quick access!

Direct Acess can be found by clicking HERE

Automatic Notifications

Patient notifications via email allow you to quickly access finalized medical documentation directly from an embedded link within the notification. Simply click the link to be redirected to the document of interest. To view more details or continue looking at other charts, log into the portal via our website at 


Logging In

Welcome Letter

When the portal goes live, a Welcome Letter will be sent to your hospital’s email containing your username, temporary password, and link to the portal. Upon logging into the portal for the first time, you will be prompted to change the password to whatever you’d prefer. Keep in mind, this username and password is on a per CLINIC basis, not individual, so make sure your entire staff is aware of the login credentials in order for them to be able to access it.


User Name Help?

If you forget your username, click on this button. It will prompt you to enter the email associated with your hospital’s account. In a few minutes, you will receive an email containing the username for your hospital.


Password Help?

If you forget your password, click on this button. It will prompt you to enter your username and ask you who’s requesting the password. Once submitted, it will display what email your password reset information will be delivered to in a few minutes. The email will confirm that you requested a new account password and will provide you with an embedded link to do so.

Pro Tip: If you are unsure what your username or password is, please contact CTVSEH at 512.892.9038 or Cathy Rothschild at [email protected]. We can resend your hospital’s Welcome Letter that includes your hospital’s credentials and a link to the portal.


Patient Chart

This is the home screen of the portal and contains the medical history of patients you have referred to CTVSEH. Search for the patient of interest through the following methods:

  • Patient First Name
  • Client Last Name
  • Last Updated (time frame)


Once you have found the patient of interest, simply click Show on the far right-hand side to display the patient chart below. The patient chart will provide the following medical documentation (if applicable):

  • Client Information
  • Patient Information
  • Check-In/Out
  • Appointments
  • Medical Notes
  • Diagnosis
  • Problems
  • Prescriptions
  • Procedures
  • Diagnostic Results/Laboratory
  • Digital Imaging


Downloading Records

To get an overall comprehensive view of the patient’s medical history, click the Patient Chart icon on the top right-hand side of the Client Information box. This will screenshot the patient’s chart from which you can view and/or download to your own records.


To download attachments such as images or Medical Notes, click the Open icon to the right of the document of interest. The document PDF will be opened in a different tab from which you can download to your records.



Pro Tip: Attachments must be downloaded individually, so get in the practice of downloading medical documents to your own files after each patient visit to keep your files updated with the most relevant information.


The portal is able to integrate with our imaging software to allow you to access diagnostic imaging directly from the patient chart. Click Open next to the image of interest to be taken to the image within Vet Rocket’s viewer. From here, you can review and download the image to your records.



Profile and Settings

To update your hospital’s contact information and/or notification settings, click the Profile and Settings tab located above the patient chart. Please note it is important to keep this information current since this is the way the portal knows how and where to send medical documentation to.


Notification Settings

You have the option to receive notifications via email, fax, or both. As a reminder, there are four notification types that you can opt in for including:

  • Check In
  • Update
  • Check out
  • Deceased

You can determine which notifications you’d like to receive for each fax or email. For example, you may only want to receive update and deceased notifications via fax but would prefer to receive all four notification types via email.

You may only enter one fax but can add as many emails as you’d like. Make sure to click Update once you’re done.




To securely submit a referral through the portal, click the Refer Patient tab above the Patient Chart to the far left. See below for a breakdown of each page within the referral submission.


Referral Details

Describes what specialty service this referral needs and general reason for the referral. The Additional Comments section at the bottom is intended for you to include any notes you’d like to pass along to CTVSEH regarding the referral that may not be found in the submission.

Fields marked with a red asterisk are the fields that are required in order to submit the referral.

If you don’t have enough time to complete a referral submission in its entirety, click the Finish Later button at the bottom of the submission. You will be able to access this referral from the Patient Referrals tab (for more information on Patient Referrals, see below).


Referring Veterinarian

Describes the information of the Referring Veterinarian. If your Profile and Settings tab is completely filled out, most of the fields on the submission will be auto-filled with your contact information besides the Veterinarian’s Name and Submitted By fields.


Client and Patient

These two tabs are the bulk of the referral submission and describe both client and patient details. Both these tabs also contain the new Auto-fill Feature which you can opt in for if you have one of three eligible practice management software including:

  • Cornerstone
  • Avimark
  • Impromed

The Auto-fill Feature will allow you to search for the patient/client you are referring by

accessing your hospital’s patient records. Once you select the patient of interest, any client or patient information available in your records will be directly pulled over into the Client and Patient tabs, auto-filling up to 80% of the entire eReferral submission!

If you think you might be interested in signing up for the Auto-fill Feature, contact Cathy Rothschild at [email protected] so we can send you detailed release notes reviewing the feature and how to register.


Patient Files

At the bottom of the Patient tab, you will have the option to directly attach patient files to the eReferral submission.


Click the drop-down option under the Medical Records, Lab Results, and Diagnostic Images options to select the method in which you intend to deliver the medical documentation. If you do not use electronic records, please select a non-electronic method of delivery, such as faxing, sending with client, etc. To add a file, click the Add File document. You have the option to View or Delete the file after it has been uploaded.


Type in a description of the document you intend to upload then click Select File to access your computer’s files. Click the file you wish to upload and click Open. The file should appear in the box directly below the Select File button. Click Clear if you wish to upload a different file or Upload if you are satisfied with the file you selected. Repeat process for as many files as you’d like.


Review & Complete

The last page of the eReferral submission asks you to review the information you inputted to confirm accuracy. After reviewing and if you are ready to submit your eReferral to CTVSEH click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.


Patient Referrals

To access saved or previously submitted eReferrals, click the Patient Referrals tab above the Patient Chart, second to the left.


This is a “virtual filing cabinet” of all referrals made through the portal (will not display referrals made outside of the portal). Referrals will automatically be sorted by relevance with the most recent referrals appearing at the top.



Submitted Referrals

You will have the option to View or Update the referral.


To view the eReferral, click the paper icon located on the far right. A separate tab will appear with a PDF copy of the submitted referral. If you scroll down to the bottom, you can click on the embedded links to view the medical documents that were attached to the referral (if applicable).


To update the eReferral, click the pencil icon to the right of the paper icon. You will be brought back to the referral submission where you can update or edit information accordingly. Click Submit at the bottom of the eReferral submission when you are finished.


Non-submitted Referrals

For non-submitted eReferrals, you have the option to edit or delete the referral.


To edit the eReferral, click the pencil icon located on the far right and complete the same steps as you would to update an eReferral (see above). To delete the eReferral, click the trashcan icon located to the right of the pencil icon.

Data Management

If you’d like to filter the data, simply click the filter icon to the right of the category of interest. A dialog box will appear asking you to select how you’d like the information to be filtered. You can show items with value that:

  • Contains…
  • Starts with…
  • Is equal to…
  • Is not equal to…

Click Filter once done for the information to filter according to the preferences selected. Click the filter icon again and click Clear if you’d like to remove the filter.


If you’d like to sort the referrals by ascending or descending order, click directly to the right of the category of interest. A small white arrow will appear pointing upwards indicating that the data is now sorted in ascending order. If you’d like to sort it in descending order, click the arrow again for it to point downwards. If you’d like to remove the sort, click the arrow for a third time.


You can choose to export this data to excel for easier data manipulation/review by clicking the Export to Excel option at the top right-hand side.
