Cesarean Section (C-Section) Post-Operative Instructions

A cesarean section is major surgery to remove kittens from the uterus of the mother cat.

Cat Chylothorax

Chylothorax is a relatively uncommon disorder in the cat whereby lymph fluid (chyle) accumulates in the pleural cavity. This small cavity lies between the lungs and the inner lining of the chest wall. Normally, only about a teaspoon of clear fluid is present in this space.

Bladder Stones in Cats

Bladder stones, more correctly called uroliths, are rock-like collections of minerals that form in the urinary bladder. They may occur as a large, single stone or as dozens of stones the size of large grains of sand or pea gravel.

Breeding and Queening Cats

Breeding cats and raising kittens can be an extremely rewarding experience or it may produce frustration and failure. The following information is provided in order to increase your chances of success.

Asthma and Bronchitis in Cats

Obstructive and allergic lung diseases affect many cats and are sometimes called “asthma,” “bronchitis,” or “bronchial asthma.” Unfortunately, these diseases are not easily classified and probably represent a variety of lung disorders.

Anemia in Cats

What does it mean to be anemic? Anemia is a reduced number of red blood cells or hemoglobin or both. It is not a specific disease but the result of some disease process.

Chronic Kidney Failure in Cats

The term "chronic kidney failure" suggests that the kidneys have quit working and are, therefore, not making urine. However, by definition, kidney failure is the inability of the kidneys to remove waste products from the blood.

Corneal Ulcers in Cats

The cornea is the clear, shiny membrane which makes up the surface of the eyeball. It is much like a clear window. To understand a corneal ulcer, you must first understand how the cornea is constructed.

Cardiomyopathy in Cats

What is cardiomyopathy? Literally, the term "cardiomyopathy" means disease of the heart muscle.